Why choose me?

You have questions? GOOD! You shouldn't choose the first person who you come across on LinkedIn or Google. 

You have the right to ask as many questions as you want to, in order to find the right fit.

Remember, this could be a temporary working relationship, or long term. Either way, you need to find what's right for you so, I have tried to answer a few of those questions that may be burning but please do contact me if you have any others.

Therapeutic Counselling

What type of therapy or coaching do 
you specialise in?

It's important to find a therapist or coach who specialises in the specific issues you're struggling with. 

I am a Humanistic counsellor. Humanistic therapy describes a range of different types of therapy that focus on a person as an individual with unique potential and abilities. Instead of concentrating on what is wrong with people, this type of therapy is more focused on helping them overcome their difficulties through personal growth.

More information can be found here - https://www.bacp.co.uk/about-therapy/types-of-therapy/humanistic-therapy/

How often do you recommend sessions, and how long do they typically last? 

Different therapists and coaches may have different recommendations for session frequency and duration. Some may recommend weekly sessions, while others may suggest biweekly or monthly sessions.

The answer is - it's down to you and what you feel most comfortable with.  Typically, my client sessions last 50 minutes and my regular clients see me 1 - 2 times per week. Others may be more or less but we will find a schedule that fits with your needs and availability.

How do you handle confidentiality and privacy?

As a qualified counsellor, I am  bound by confidentiality laws and ethical standards (BACP). 

Our sessions are not recorded and the only notes I keep are brief, free of sensitive information and stored, securely, on my laptop which is password protected. Your data is only kept on my system for 6 months AFTER your final session with me.

Your information will only ever be shared in instances where I feel there is a safeguarding concern or concern of harm to yourself or others. We will discuss this further in our 1st session but this is standard practice for all therapeutic practice.

How do you work with clients to develop personalised treatment plans? 

I work collaboratively with my clients to develop personalised treatment plans that are tailored to their unique needs, goals, and preferences. This may involve a combination of talk therapy, mindfulness practices, creative expression, and other techniques that are most effective for each individual.

I strive to create a warm, non-judgmental, and supportive environment in which clients feel safe to explore their thoughts and feelings. I also emphasise the importance of confidentiality and respect for each client's privacy and autonomy.

Executive Coaching

How do you approach coaching and what methodology do you use? 

My coaching approach is tailored to each individual client's needs and goals. I use a combination of assessment tools, in-depth conversations, and action planning to help my clients develop their leadership skills, enhance their self-awareness, and achieve their objectives. I also draw from a range of methodologies, including positive psychology, cognitive-behavioral therapy, and emotional intelligence, to create a customized coaching plan for each client.

What is your coaching philosophy and values? 

My coaching philosophy is based on the belief that every person has the potential to be an effective and inspiring leader. I work with my clients to unlock this potential by helping them identify and leverage their strengths, address their development areas, and develop the skills and mindset required to achieve their goals. My core values as a coach are integrity, empathy, accountability, and continuous learning.

How do you measure success in coaching engagements? 

I believe that success in coaching is measured by the progress and growth of my clients. I work closely with my clients to establish clear goals and benchmarks at the outset of our engagement, and regularly review progress against these goals. I also solicit feedback from my clients throughout our engagement to ensure that we are staying on track and making the necessary adjustments to achieve success.

How do you establish trust and rapport with your clients? 

Establishing trust and rapport is critical to the success of any coaching engagement. I work to build trust with my clients by listening actively, demonstrating empathy, and creating a safe and non-judgmental space for them to explore their thoughts and feelings. I also establish clear boundaries and expectations at the outset of our engagement to ensure that both parties are aligned and committed to the coaching process.

General FAQ's

What experience do you have as an executive coach?

As an executive coach, I have over 10 years of experience working with C-suite leaders, senior executives, and high-potential employees across a range of industries. I have also undergone rigorous training and certification programs to ensure that I am equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to help my clients achieve their goals.

What experience do you have as an Therapeutic Counsellor?

I have a qualification in Counselling studies (CPCAB) and have completed extensive training in humanistic therapy techniques. I have also participated in continuing education and professional development to stay up-to-date with the latest research and practices in the field.

Can you provide references or testimonials from previous clients? 

Nothing makes me happier than receiving feedback from those I work with.

I have a testimonials section on this website which includes commentary from previous clients. I have worked with a wide range of clients, from a variety of roles, organisations and industries; backgrounds, cultures and communities, and have helped them achieve significant professional and personal growth.

Where are your sessions held, and what happens if I need to cancel/reschedule?

All our sessions are conducted remotely via Zoom/Teams, depending on your preference. 

My availability is updated every week, via the 'booking' section on the website, and you can book up to 6 months in advance. 

Should you wish to reschedule or cancel the session, please do so 48 hours before our schedule appointment. You DO NOT need to provide me with the reason why.

All sessions reschedule, or cancelled, before the 48 hours will be 100% refunded. Those cancelled between 48-24 hours before will only be refunded 50% and those cancelled within 24 hours will NOT be refunded. 

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